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China's textile industry issued guidance to clarify the positioning of the "14th five year plan"

2021-07-31 管理员 Read 37

2021 is the first year of the 14th five year plan. Standing at a new historical starting point, the textile industry is also facing new historical tasks and topics of the times. Recently, China Textile Industry Federation issued the outline for the development of the textile industry during the 14th Five Year Plan period and the guiding opinions on the development of science, technology, fashion and green (hereinafter referred to as the outline and Guiding Opinions), which defined the positioning of the textile industry in the whole national economy during the 14th Five Year Plan period, that is, the pillar industry of national economic and social development Basic industries to solve people's livelihood and beautify life, and advantageous industries for international cooperation and integrated development; The long-term goal of the industry in 2035 is put forward, that is, when China basically realizes the socialist modernization in 2035, China's textile industry will become the main driver of world textile science and technology, an important leader of global fashion and a powerful promoter of sustainable development.

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