Zhejiang Jingfeng Textile Technology Co., Ltd

Zhejiang Jingfeng Textile Technology Co., Ltd

  • In the first half of 2021, the economic operation of the textile industry was strengthened steadily, and the smooth operation of the whole year still faced many tests

    In the first half of 2021, the economic operation of the textile industry was strengthened steadily, and the smooth operation of the whole year still faced many tests

    In the first half of 2021, facing the complex development environment at home and abroad, China's textile industry fully implemented the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and continued to consolidate and expand the achievements of epidemic prevention and control and the stable situation of production and operation


  • New starting point, new height and new development, 2021 China textile industry ecological Summit Forum

    New starting point, new height and new development, 2021 China textile industry ecological Summit Forum

    Recently, the 2021 China textile industry ecological Summit Forum co sponsored by China Textile City Construction Management Committee, Keyan sub district office, China Textile City Group Co., Ltd. and Bureau Veritas group was successfully held in Keqiao District, Shaoxing City.


  • Promote low-carbon green path, and the fourth China eco-friendly fabric design competition in 2021 has produced many excellent works

    Promote low-carbon green path, and the fourth China eco-friendly fabric design competition in 2021 has produced many excellent works

    Under the global consensus on addressing climate change, promoting carbon peaking and carbon neutralization is not only the internal requirement for China to achieve sustainable development and high-quality development in the new development stage, but also the foundation of industrial security for the textile industry


Talent recruitment

We < / P > < p > are recruiting talents who can provide original alternatives and solutions without fear of change or failure

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