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New starting point, new height and new development, 2021 China textile industry ecological Summit Forum

2021-07-31 管理员 Read 43

Recently, the 2021 China textile industry ecological Summit Forum co sponsored by China Textile City Construction Management Committee, Keyan sub district office, China Textile City Group Co., Ltd. and Bureau Veritas group was successfully held in Keqiao District, Shaoxing City.

More than 200 people attended the event, including Wang Yimiao, deputy director of Zhejiang Provincial Department of ecological environment, Ma Yizhong, deputy director of Shaoxing Keqiao District People's government, Fu Guangwei, President of China Textile Engineering Society, Wang Xia, President of Bureau Veritas Asia Pacific, representatives of relevant functional departments, associations, chambers of Commerce and leading enterprises in Keqiao District, focusing on the theme of "boosting industrial empowerment and leading green smart manufacturing", Jointly discuss how to help Shaoxing local textile industry wisdom transformation and upgrading, and promote the sustainable development of China's textile industry.

Ecological and environmental protection first,

Sustainable development is imperative

At present, China's textile industry is still in the stage of in-depth adjustment and transformation. Based on the new goal of China's modernization development and the new pattern of double cycle development, the textile industry should take the 14th five year plan as a new starting point, actively practice the sustainable development of "carbon peak and carbon neutralization", constantly adapt to the new situation and achieve new development.

Ma Yizhong, deputy head of Keqiao District People's Government of Shaoxing City

Ma Yizhong said in his speech that as the gathering place of China's textile industry, while maintaining high-quality development, Shaoxing textile industry should take ecological and environmental protection as the first, actively explore industrial intelligent manufacturing, and always take the lead in maintaining innovation ability and digital intelligence enabled industrial development.

He pointed out that in the process of "green smart manufacturing" transformation, the textile industry urgently needs to accelerate the establishment of industrial system, improve green standards and green certification system, promote green factory and green supply chain industry demonstration, and layout and carry out carbon emission related measurement management and carbon neutralization frontier basic research.

As the world's leading testing organization, Bureau Veritas group is a professional authority in the fields of textile testing, environmental testing and certification. This time, it fully meets the needs of local development and joins hands with local enterprises to jointly establish Bureau Veritas (Zhejiang) Testing Technology Service Co., Ltd., hoping to ensure the sustainable and high-quality development of local industries through industrial green standards, so as to provide an orderly and green market trade Textile full link escort.

"Taking digital reform as the traction to promote social responsibility construction and sustainable development is the future potential of the industry. Establishing a green low-carbon cycle system is an important way for the textile industry to practice the concept of green development and achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutralization. "

Wang Xia, President of Bureau Veritas Asia Pacific

Wang Xia said that Zhejiang Bureau Veritas Shenyue Testing Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Bureau Veritas group, will also rely on the global resource advantages of Bureau Veritas group in the field of textile testing, fully cooperate with the high-quality development needs of the local textile industry with its professional services in testing, inspection, certification and technical consulting, optimize the construction of standard system and standardize industrial development.

At the same time, Bureau Veritas group will always give full play to its advantages in the field of textiles and environmental testing, based on the international pattern of the industry, help local textile enterprises fully integrate into the world and stabilize Shaoxing's gold lettered signboard in the international textile industry.

Multi party integration and cohesion,

Harmonious and win-win economic and environmental protection

The summit forum was launched from the three dimensions of new direction, new technology and new situation. Representatives of the government, industry associations, colleges and universities, excellent enterprises and other parties participated. Combined with the current industry development situation and the theme of the forum, it gave a simple explanation, which won the unanimous praise of the guests.

Wang Yimiao, deputy director general of Zhejiang Provincial Department of ecological environment

Wang Yimiao delivered a keynote speech entitled the situation and Countermeasures Faced by the textile industry under the "double carbon" background, shared the international "double carbon" situation and the situation of the textile printing and dyeing industry from a macro perspective, and gave the direction of policies in the field of ecological environment and suggestions for the textile industry.

In his keynote speech on the mode and path of high-quality development of textile industry enabled by scientific and technological innovation, Fu Guangwei pointed out that at present, the path and method of innovation enabled high-quality development of textile industry are becoming mature, and the subversive technological innovation group of textile industry is forming. In this process, testing and certification institutions will play an increasingly important role, And become a crucial link in the supply chain.

Wang Xiangrong, a professor at the school of textile and garment engineering of Suzhou University, shared the plant dye technology and its application achievements with the guests with the title of "green intelligent manufacturing - plant dye printing and dyeing technology and industrialization".

In addition, Lin Li, director of zero emission of hazardous chemicals (zdhc) in East Asia, and Gao Ming, a global technical expert and doctor of Bureau Veritas, also talked about the win-win situation of economy and environmental protection, He delivered keynote speeches on "win win of environmental protection and economy - zdhc building a sustainable supply chain with good chemical control" and "helping enterprises to achieve sustainable development - based on the requirements of textile restricted substances at home and abroad".

It is worth mentioning that at the forum site, Bureau Veritas (Zhejiang) Testing Technology Service Co., Ltd. signed a further in-depth cooperation agreement with Keyan street, Keqiao District, Shaoxing City. By introducing the advantageous resources of Bureau Veritas group, it aims to further help Keqiao Textile industry build a development pattern of "buying the world and selling the world", realize a virtuous cycle of innovation chain and industrial chain in a wider region, and help Keqiao Textile Industry "lead the whole city and compete in the whole province".

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